Initiativen Geltungsbereich National 6 International 3 Themenbereich Weltraum und Luffahrt 7 Produktion & Material 7 Energie 7 Sicherheit 7 Lebenswissenschaften und Gesundheit 6 Digitalisierung 6 Mobilität 6 Themenoffen 5 Holzforschung & -wissenstransfer 4 Klimaneutrale Stadt 4 Wettbewerbsfähige Unternehmen 4 Umwelt 4 Nachwuchs und Qualifizierung 3 Quantenforschung & -technologie 3 Vernetzung und Kooperation 3 Europa und Internationales 1 6 mehr anzeigen Initiativen offen für alle Themen Initiativen für Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) 60 Universitäten 58 Forschungseinrichtungen 55 Fachhochschulen 54 Große Unternehmen (GU) 50 Kompetenzzentren 45 Start-Up 45 (Gemeinnützige) Vereine 31 Multiplikatoren / Intermediäre 27 Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) 23 Einzel-ForscherInnen 21 Research facilities 20 Universities 20 Universities of applied sciences 19 Competence centres 18 Gebietskörperschaften 18 Large companies 18 Start Up 16 Multipliers / Intermediaries 13 (Non-profit) Associations 6 Single researchers 6 Authorities 2 Jugendliche 1 13 mehr anzeigen Status Offen 6 Sortiere: Alphabetisch (a-z)Aktualität 6 Ergebnisse Ausgewählte Filter NationalXMobilitätXSingle researchersX Sortiere: Alphabetisch (a-z)Aktualität Impact Innovation – Initiative For solutions with impact You have come across a problem for which no satisfactory solution has been found yet? Well why not do something about it! The FFG's Impact Innovation funding scheme encourages you to find or test your ideas using innovation methods, and will pay half of the costs. Up to 75.000 EUR are… Initiative Geöffnet Mehr erfahren IraSME - International Research Activities in SME IraSME was initiated in 2005 as an ERA-NET. Until 2010 it was supported by the European Commission’s 6th and 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development. Since January 2011 IraSME is a self-sustained network of several national funding agencies coordinated by the German AiF… Initiative Geöffnet Mehr erfahren Laura Bassi - The Programme Shaping an equitable future The “Laura Bassi: Shaping an equitable future” programme promotes the implementation of concrete innovation projects (products, processes, services) in a network with several consortium members. Initiative Geöffnet Mehr erfahren Quantum Austria On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and funded by the European Union under the Development and Resilience Plan (2020-2026), the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) are implementing the Quantum Austria… Initiative Geöffnet Mehr erfahren Spin-off Fellowships The Spin-off Fellowship programme is designed to develop the intellectual property held in Austrian universities and research institutions so that it can form the basis for new start-ups. Initiative Geöffnet Mehr erfahren Spin-off Fellowships The Spin-off Fellowship programme is designed to develop the intellectual property held in Austrian universities and research institutions so that it can form the basis for new start-ups. Initiative Geöffnet Mehr erfahren Über die FFG Die Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) ist die nationale Förderinstitution für die unternehmensnahe Forschung und Entwicklung in Österreich. Förderungen der FFG tragen maßgeblich dazu bei, neues Wissen zu generieren, neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln und damit am Weltmarkt wettbewerbsfähiger zu sein. Mehr erfahren Bleiben Sie verbunden Jede Woche erhalten Sie ein Update von der FFG in Ihre Inbox. Selbstverständlich können Sie sich jederzeit von unserem Newsletter abmelden. Ihre E-Mail Adresse
Impact Innovation – Initiative For solutions with impact You have come across a problem for which no satisfactory solution has been found yet? Well why not do something about it! The FFG's Impact Innovation funding scheme encourages you to find or test your ideas using innovation methods, and will pay half of the costs. Up to 75.000 EUR are… Initiative Geöffnet Mehr erfahren
IraSME - International Research Activities in SME IraSME was initiated in 2005 as an ERA-NET. Until 2010 it was supported by the European Commission’s 6th and 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development. Since January 2011 IraSME is a self-sustained network of several national funding agencies coordinated by the German AiF… Initiative Geöffnet Mehr erfahren
Laura Bassi - The Programme Shaping an equitable future The “Laura Bassi: Shaping an equitable future” programme promotes the implementation of concrete innovation projects (products, processes, services) in a network with several consortium members. Initiative Geöffnet Mehr erfahren
Quantum Austria On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and funded by the European Union under the Development and Resilience Plan (2020-2026), the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) are implementing the Quantum Austria… Initiative Geöffnet Mehr erfahren
Spin-off Fellowships The Spin-off Fellowship programme is designed to develop the intellectual property held in Austrian universities and research institutions so that it can form the basis for new start-ups. Initiative Geöffnet Mehr erfahren
Spin-off Fellowships The Spin-off Fellowship programme is designed to develop the intellectual property held in Austrian universities and research institutions so that it can form the basis for new start-ups. Initiative Geöffnet Mehr erfahren