IraSME - International Research Activities in SME

IraSME was initiated in 2005 as an ERA-NET. Until 2010 it was supported by the European Commission’s 6th and 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development. Since January 2011 IraSME is a self-sustained network of several national funding agencies coordinated by the German AiF Projekt GmbH.

IraSME is a network of ministries and funding agencies which are owners or managers of national and regional funding programs for cooperative research projects between Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) and in participation of Research and Technology organisations (RTOs). Against the background of growing competition in global markets, IraSME supports SMEs in their transnational innovation activities,helps them to acquire technological know-how, extend their networks and bridge the gap between research and innovation.

Twice a year IraSME issues calls for proposals for transnational cooperative research projects between SMEs and RTOs with the objective to develop innovative products, processes or technical services. The calls follow a bottom-up approach, i.e. research topics are not pre-defined and can be decided by applicants themselves. Funding is made available through national and regional programmes. IraSME enables consortia of SMEs and RTOs (not mandatory) from at least 2 participating countries to work together in transnational projects.

For more detailed Informations view the “Website IraSME (international)”.

The essentials in brief

Program Owner / Sponsor BMAW - Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy
Project type
Europäisch & International
Submission with a proposal process
Target group Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Large enterprises, Universities, Universities of applied sciences, Competence centres, Research facilities, Start Up, (Non-profit) Associations, Multipliers / Intermediaries
What is being funded The development of innovative products, processes or technical services by SME working together in an international network.
Min. / max. running time 12 - 36 months
Availability from 01.10.2014 - constantly


Mag. Brigitte BEDNAR MBA BSc
Mag. Brigitte BEDNAR MBA BSc
T 0043577552410
T 0043577552402