List of ERC Proposals published online by ERC Principal Investigators

The following list provides an overview on successful ERC proposals that have kindly been published online by ERC Principal Investigators (PIs). Furthermore, some unsuccessful proposals have been made available by ERC applicants as well, to support other applicants in their preparations.

If you plan to submit an ERC proposal, we hope that this compilation can be of help in the process of developing your own research agenda and writing an authentic, individual proposal.

We will seek to regularly update this compilation, and would be grateful if you could inform us in case you are aware of further proposals that have been made available online by their authors.


ERC Proposals kindly published online by ERC Principal Investigators (Compilation by FFG, March 2024)
ERC Principal Investigator  (PI)/author Proposal Title (Acronym) Grant Type Panel Weblink to Proposal Further Information
Detlef Weigel The Plant Immune System: Epistasis and Fitness-Tradeoffs (Immunemesis) Advanced Grant LS2 Part B2 AdG Call 2013
Maestre Gil Fernando Tomás
Biotic community attributes and ecosystem functioning: implications for predicting and mitigating global change impacts (BIOCOM) Starting Grant LS8 Part B1&B2
StG Call 2009 
John Carrasco Strategic Predictions for Quantum Field Theories Starting Grant (preQFT) Starting Grant PE2 Part B1 & B2 Stg Call 2014
Hans Stroeher Search forelectric dipole moments using storage rings (srEDM) Advanced Grant PE2 Part B1
Part B2
AdG Call 2015
Alejandro Gaita Arino A Chemical Approach to Molecular Spin Qubits: Decoherence and Organisation of Rare Earth Single Ion Magnets (DECRESIM) Consolidator Grant PE5 Part B1
Part B2
CoG Call 2014
Ermira Mezini
Programming Abstractions for Applications in Cloud Environments Advanced Grant PE6 Part B1
AdG Call 2012
Franco Vazza The Magnetised Cosmic Web (MAGCOW) Starting Grant PE9 Part B1
Part B2
StG Call 2016
David De La Croix Did elite human capital trigger the rise of the West? Insights from a new database of European scholars (UTHC) Advanced Grant SH1 Part B1
Part B2
AdG Call 2019
Don Weenink Groups and Violence: A Micro-sociological Research Programme (GROUPVIOLENCE) Consolidator Grant SH2 Part B1
Part B2
CoG Call 2015
Patrick Meyfroidt Developing middle-range theories linking land use
displacement, intensification and transitions (MIDLAND)
Starting Grant SH3 Part B1 and B2
StG Call 2015
Martin Paul Heinrich Kusch The Emergence of Relativism -- Historical, Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives (RELATIVISM) Advanced Grant SH4 Part B1
Part B2
AdG Call 2013
Elisabeth Kingma Better understanding the Metaphysics of Pregnancy (BUMP) Starting Grant SH5 Part B1
Part B2
StG Call 2015
Dan Zahavi Who are we? Self-identity, Social Cognition, and Collective Intentionality Advanced Grant SH5 Part B1 & B2 AdG Call 2018
Jill Walker Rettberg Machine Vision in Everyday Life: Playful Interactions with Visual Technologies in Digital Art, Games, Narratives and Social Media (MACHINE VISION) Consolidator Grant SH5 Part B1
CoG Call 2017
Jonathan A. Silk Open Philology: The Composition of Buddhist Scriptures OpenPhilology (OpenPhilology) Advanced Grant SH5 Part B1
Part B2
AdG Call 2016
Johann-Mattis List
Computer-Assisted Language Comparison: Reconciling Computational and Classical Approaches in Historical Linguistics
Starting Grant SH4 Part B2 StG Call 2016

Lino Camprubi

Discovering the Deep Mediterranean Environment: A History of Science and Strategy, 1860-2020 (DEEPMED)

Consolidator Grant SH6 Part B1 CoG Call 2020
Detlef Weigel Understanding and predicting PATHOgen COMmunities (Pathocom) Synergy Grant  n.a. Abstract & Part B2 SyG Call 2020
Thomas Emery 
Complex Contagion of Childcare Strategies amongst Low - Income Parents
Starting Grant SH7 B1 & B2 StG Call 2021
Adina Maricut-Akbik
The Impact of Cultural Stereotypes in European Multi-Level Policy Enforcement (EUROTYPES)
Starting Grant SH2 B2 StG Call 2023



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