Funding guide

Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) coordinate national research areas and launch joint calls providing the opportunity to cooperate at a European level.
The aim of the joint programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's research and development resources and tackle common European challenges more effectively.

Market introduction and expansion

Markt.Start is a substential funding instrument adressing small-sized companies only. The funding goal is to support small companies for the market entrance and therefore launch of product innovations, service innovations and process development after successful driven R&D. Funding is provided up to max. € 250.000,- each for market transition by funding with low-interet loans.

Support for companies in the semiconductor industry and value chain

The technology offensive "Microelectronics2Market" is aimed at internationally active companies that hold a position as technology leader or are on the verge of achieving this. Funding is provided for research and development projects that are embedded in an offensive business field strategy and address the challenges of the semiconductor industry and the associated value network in the EU and contribute to the expansion of production and services in this value network. This should pave the way for the participating actors to submit follow-up projects under pillar 2 of the European Chips Act (directionality).Submission is possible at any time.

Check your innovation idea on patentability

The Patent.Voucher supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as startups and founders to check the patentability of their innovation idea and furthermore to speed up preparation and submission of the application for a patent.  The FFG aid covers up to 80 % of the total costs (non-repayable subsidies), which are limited by € 12.500,-. Submission of an application is possible at any time.

Support of preparatory work for a concrete research project

Projekt.Start is an attractive SME funding instrument for the support of preparatory work for a concrete research project. Both internal preparation costs and external expenses and specialist, project-specific support can be funded. The total project costs of up to € 10,000,- can be approved, whereby the external services must not amount to more than half of these costs. The funding level is 60 % and the funding is limited to max. € 6.000,- (non-repayable subsidies). Submission of an application is possible at any time.

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and funded by the European Union under the Development and Resilience Plan (2020-2026), the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) are implementing the Quantum Austria Funding Initiative from 2021-2026.
FFG and FWF will use a selection of their respective funding instruments for personnel and infrastructure for this purpose. Part of the funding is provided for research infrastructure in the highly innovative field of next generation high performance computing, quantum computing as well as their interconnection.
The scientific issues of the projects in the field of quantum research and quantum technology may cover, for example, the following topics:
- Specific preparation and control of quantum states;
- New algorithms and mathematical theoretical concepts that make use of the superposition and entanglement of quantum states;
- Developments and applications in quantum communication; quantum sensor technology, quantum metrology, quantum simulation, quantum computing, and quantum information;
- Development of ideas based on quantum phenomena in the neighbouring fields of physics, mathematics, chemistry, and in biological systems.

This initiative of the Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy (BMAW) supports measures in companies for the systematic development and qualification of their research and innovation staff. The programme also aims to promote cooperation between companies and tertiary education and research institutions as well as to enhance the integration of industrially relevant research fields.

The R&D Infrastructure Funding Programme supports projects designed to acquire and develop high quality R&D infrastructure for use in both basic and applied research.

SME and startup funding for research and development

The funding supports "smaller" research and development projects of SMEs and startups. They can be carried out as a single firm project as well as in cooperation. As a result, projects target usable products, processes or services. Project costs up to max. 60 % (max. total costs € 150,000) can be funded in the form of grants. Submissions can be made on an ongoing basis, there are no restrictions on the topic.

The path to structured R&D activities

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a central role in Austria's economy. In order to facilitate the entry into a continuous research and development activity and to raise the quality of the research projects, the FFG bundles coordinated SME subsidies. For SMEs, appropriate funding is available for each phase (parallel funding excluded). With the various subsidy models and non-repayable grants from 6,000 Euros (eg Projekt.Start), grants from 10,000 Euros (eg Innovation Voucher, Patent.Voucher) to max. 90,000 Euros (eg Small Scale Project), the FFG makes it easier for SMEs to get into research and development. The core objective of the SME funding is a subsequent, concrete research and development project in the company (eg General Programme and Small Scale Project). SME Hotline: 05 7755-5000.