Funding guide

The European Defence Fund incentivises and supports collaborative, cross-border research and development in the area of defence. The Fund will increase the EU’s technological edge and develop the capabilities that are key for the strategic autonomy and resilience of the Union and its Member States and the protection of its citizens. About 8 billion Euro from the EU budget is dedicated to the European Defence Fund for 2021-2027. The EU will become one of the top 3 defence research investors in Europe.

The establishment of endowed professorships is designed to strengthen important areas of knowledge for Austria’s innovation system and contribute to promoting cooperation between science and industry. The Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) as funding body supports endowed professorships in relevant research areas that are characterised by substantial academic expertise but still show some gaps. Endowed professorships are meant to strengthen R&D structures and to engage research capacity and human potential for Austrian companies.

Eureka is a European-international network for application-oriented research and development (R&D) in Europe and offers companies and research institutions a framework for cross-border collaborative projects. Currently, 40 countries and the European Union are Eureka members. South Korea, Canada, South Africa, Chile, Argentina and Singapur are associated partner countries.

Fast Track Digital addresses companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) which aim to open up new digital markets or revolutionise existing markets by developing novel digital solutions.

Substantial contributions of companies to climate and environmental protection as well as digital and sustainable transformation

"Frontrunner" is aimed at internationally active companies that hold a technological frontrunner position or are on the verge of achieving it. Funding is provided for research and development projects that are embedded in an aggressive business field strategy. "Green Frontrunner" projects also address environmental and climate protection challenges. "Transformative Frontrunner" projects should make a substantial contribution to the digital and sustainable transformation of the economy. Submission is possible at any time. "Frontrunner" is aimed at internationally active companies that hold a technological frontrunner position or are currently on the verge of achieving it. Funding is provided for research and development projects that are embedded in an aggressive business field strategy. "Green Frontrunner" projects also address environmental and climate protection challenges. "Transformative Frontrunner" projects are intended to make a substantial contribution to the digital and sustainable transformation of the economy.

Research and Development in the Austrian economy

The funding strategy of General Programme is fundamentally based on the bottom-up principle. It is open to all branches of industry and research topics and eligible to companies and projects of all sizes. General Programme aims to strengthen the competiveness of companies based in Austria by funding the development of new products, processes and services. Funding is up to 50 % (for Startups up to 70 %) of total eligible project costs. The FFG uses a combination of several financing instruments - such as grants as well as low-interest loans. Submission of an application is possible at any time.

You have come across a problem for which no satisfactory solution has been found yet? Well why not do something about it! The FFG's Impact Innovation funding scheme encourages you to find or test your ideas using innovation methods, and will pay half of the costs. Up to 75,000 euros are available, no matter which topic you choose or which sector you operate in. The key point is that the process involves all stakeholders concerned with the aim of developing new ideas into effective solutions. You don't need to be an innovation professional to do that! Impact Innovation will also provide funding if you wish to seek support from experts. The funding application for Impact Innovation can be submitted at an early stage of the process, even before you have selected a solution approach. Applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis – there is no deadline.

The programm Industrial PhD was financed by the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development, the Austria Fund and the Future Austria Fund until 2023. Since 2023, Industrial PhD projects are supported by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK).

Pay research services of research institutions up to € 10,000 (De-minimis grant)

The Innovation Voucher is a funding instrument designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises in Austria to start ongoing research and innovation activities. The Innovation Voucher enables enterprises to enlist the services of research institutions and to pay for these services to a maximum value of € 12.500,- (80 % funding quota). Submission of an application is possible at any time.

IraSME was initiated in 2005 as an ERA-NET. Until 2010 it was supported by the European Commission’s 6th and 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development. Since January 2011 IraSME is a self-sustained network of several national funding agencies coordinated by the German AiF Projekt GmbH.