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ERC&EIC-Sharing experiences: Crossing the gap from basic research to innovations

FFG, FiLi and Kowi cordially invite to a cross-country online exchange on experiences with Horizon Europe funding schemes for transferring results from basic research projects – putting the ERC Proof of Concept, EIC Pathfinder and EIC Transition Instrument center stage.


Horizon Europe offers several funding instruments to support the translation of research results into new products or services.  Following an overview on key features of the ERC Proof of Concept Grant, the EIC Pathfinder and the EIC Transition instrument, this session joins the perspectives of a successful applicant, an evaluator and an innovation manager to share their main insights and tips.

Speakers include:

  • Risto Ilmoniemi, Department for Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, Aalto University, Finland
  • Georg Buchtela, Business Consultancy, Vienna, Austria
  • Monika Sienknecht, Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management,Kiel University

The online session (in English) addresses the following target groups in particular:

  • ERC Grantees, including ERC Proof of Concept Grantees, who conduct application-oriented research or are interested in research transfer
  • EIC Pathfinder applicants and beneficiaries
  • EIC Transition Instrument applicants and beneficiaries
  • Members of Tech Transfer Offices (TTOs)
  • Research managers and administrators at universities, research institutions and companies
  • Enterprises interested in exploring funding opportunities at European level


10:00 – 10:15
Introduction and overview:
ERC Proof of Concept Grant, EIC Pathfinder and the EIC Transition Instrument

10:15 – 11:30
Experience reports and Q&A:

  • Risto Ilmoniemi, Aalto University, Finland (ERC SyG and FET Open grantee; evaluator of ERC SyG, FET Flagship, FET Open, EIC Pathfinder and Transition grants)
  • Georg Buchtela, Business Consultancy, Vienna, Austria  (ERC Proof of Concept evaluation)
  • Monika Sienknecht, Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Kiel University  (Project Soilmonitor: From ERC Proof of Concept to EIC Transition)




Dominik Maas, Kooperationsstelle EU der Wissenschaftsorganisationen (KoWi)
for participants based in Germany,

Ylva Huber, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
for participants based in Austria,

Hannele Lahtinen, Research Council of Finland (FiLi)
for participants based in Finland,


Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU), Große Unternehmen (GU), Universitäten, Fachhochschulen, Kompetenzzentren, Forschungseinrichtungen, Einzel-ForscherInnen, Start-Up, (Gemeinnützige) Vereine, Gebietskörperschaften, Multiplikatoren / Intermediäre