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Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft - Österreichische Vereinigung zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung

Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft


Standort Wien
Partnerkategorie Forschungseinrichtungen

Projektbeteiligungen als Partner


Ink-based hybrid multimaterial fabrication of next generation implants

Die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität der immer älter werdenden Bevölkerung ist eine der dringendsten Herausforderungen unserer Gesellschaft. Insbesondere bei älteren Menschen ist oft Knochengewebe ver...


The impact of mitochondrial nuclear retrograde regulator 1 (MNRR1) in ischemic preconditioning

 Aims. This project aims at clarifying MNRR1 expression as the key player in the mechanisms of preconditioning and identification of the UPR branch(es) responsible for its activation. We plan to test...


Engineered Extracellular Vesicles as a Novel Treatment Option for Peripheral Nerve Injury

Injuries to the peripheral nerves often have devastating impact on the patients. The gold standard for treatment of nerve injuries is the surgical reconstruction of segmental nerve defects with an aut...


Tissue engineering of young bone extracellular microenvironment to enhance bone defect regeneration during aging

Regeneration of bone deficiencies resulting from trauma, tumor resection and bone diseases represents one of the most pressing health problems in the aging European population. Current treatments of b...

ER and inflammation

Restoration of ER function in hepatocytes upon systemic inflammation; targeted diagnostic and therapeutic approaches

Multiple organ failure death upon systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) have still no reasonable explanation. Our preliminary data suggest that ER dysfunction, so called ER-stress is the majo...

hAM for antiadhesion

Application of the human amniotic membrane in toto as anti-fibrotic, anti-inflammatory gliding material

Adhäsionen stellen Hauptkomplikationen nach Verletzung und chirurgischen Eingriffen dar. Es soll humanes Amnion als anti-fibrotisches/anti-inflammatorisches Gleitmaterial evaluiert werden, speziell na...