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Knowledge-based building management combining human perception and building automation systems


Programm / Ausschreibung IKT der Zukunft, IKT der Zukunft, IKT der Zukunft - 6. Ausschreibung (2017)
Projektkoordinator Technische Universität Wien
Projektpartner NETxAutomation Software GmbH
Caverion Österreich GmbH
Projektstart 01.01.2019
Projektende 30.04.2021
Status abgeschlossen
Projektlaufzeit 28 Monate
Keywords .




The goal of HumBAS is to combine subjective Human perception and objective data originating from building automation systems (BAS) to improve comfort for building users and infer recommendations for facility managers using knowledge engineering. In general, user feedback offers high potential for improving comfort satisfaction and adapting processes in building operation and management. However, comfort in building zones is usually quantified using sensor devices of BAS while feedback of building users is only manually analyzed by facility managers. Thus, an intuitive interface for the acquisition of human perception as well as a knowledge-based integration of objective and subjective comfort measurements are developed in order to describe an automatic process for direct consideration of user feedback and detection of problems in building management. Privacy concerns according to feedback collection are analyzed while feasibility and acceptance of this approach are evaluated using real-world field studies and experiments under laboratory conditions.

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