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FFG-Webinar: Horizon 2020 - ICT Autumn Calls 2018

Total budget: 580 million euro
Presumably on October 16th, 2018, the European Commission will open several Horizon 2020 calls for proposals within the Information- and Communication Technologies (ICT) area.
The webinar is tailored for researchers and innovators from science and business that plan to submit a project proposal in the topics for H2020 ICT with deadlines in March or April 2019.

Presumably on October 16th, the European Commission will open broad calls for proposals within Information- and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Horizon 2020.

General topics

  • Technologies for Digitising European Industries (ICT-01, 03, 05, 06, 08, 09 and 10)
  • European Data Infrastructure (ICT-13 and 15)
  • 5G Long Term Evolution (ICT-20)
  • Next Generation Internet (ICT-24, 30 and 31)
  • Cross-Cutting Activities (ICT-33 and 34)
  • and a separate Call on Digital Innovation Hubs and Digital Platforms (DT-ICT-01, 07 and 11)


The overall volume of funding for these topics is nearly 580 million Euro.
During the webinar Manfred Halver, FFG expert for ICT in H2020, informs you about the contents of the topics of this call.

This webinar focuses on enhancing the understanding of the content per topic for ICT-XX to increase your chance to succeed with your submitted proposals as well as to provide an overview on DT-ICT-XX.

As the number of topics covered is extensive, in-depth analysis per topic is limited during the webinar itself but is available at FFG upon request.

Language: English.


Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU), Große Unternehmen (GU), Universitäten, Fachhochschulen, Kompetenzzentren, Forschungseinrichtungen, (Gemeinnützige) Vereine, Gebietskörperschaften, Multiplikatoren / Intermediäre


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