Female Founders X FFG: Female Entrepreneurship Touchpoint Event

- 17:00
online via Zoom
What is the life of a founder like? How do you even get started? And which business models exactly qualify as a startup?

The startup & innovation ecosystem can seem like a very complex bubble, which is tricky to access - especially for women. We want to break down those entry barriers which is why Female Founders and FFG have teamed up to host a very special session: the Female Entrepreneurship Touchpoint Event. 

You'll learn everything you need to know about your (potential) first steps as a founder and basics about the ecosystem in an interactive and relaxed atmosphere from amazing female founders, who gladly share their experiences, as well as from industry experts. The aim is to connect women from different backgrounds and interests in an engaging and interactive setting (some sessions are held in German, some in English).

So, if you want a taste of what an entrepreneurial life can look like, this event is for you! 

Want to join? Register via the link below! We're excited to host you. ♥️



- Opening: Female Founders & FFG

- Break-Out Session Round #1 

          --> Room 1: Startup Basics & Industry Intro by Antonella Cvrtak (Accelerator

                               Manager, Female Founders) *german session*     

          --> Room 2: The daily life of an entrepreneur by Anna Pölzl (Co-Founder, nista.io)

- Break-Out Session Round #2 

          --> Room 1: From Idea to Business by Irina Yashina (Head of Innovate F, Female Founders)

          --> Room 2: Gründen 101 - Was muss ich für die ersten Schritte wissen?

                               by Valerie Hengl (Co-Founder/Co-CEO, Purency) * german session*    

- Closing: Female Founders & FFG 


Quick facts about the event:

- Date: 9th of November, 2022

- Time:  3 PM CET, 2 hours

- Channel: Zoom

- Languages: German and English




Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU), Große Unternehmen (GU), Universitäten, Fachhochschulen, Kompetenzzentren, Forschungseinrichtungen, Einzel-ForscherInnen

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