FFG-Webinar: Impact & Evaluation Criteria in Industrial Horizon Europe Projects

Lessons Learned on Cluster 4 Destination 1 & 2 so far

At this compact online event, we provide information about impact and evaluation criteria relevant in proposals answering industrial Horizon Europe calls within Cluster 4 with focus on Destination 1 "Climate neutral, circular and digitised production"  and Destination 2 "Increased autonomy in key strategic value chains for resilient industry". 

The results of the first calls in Cluster 4 Destination 1 & 2 are expected in December 2021 and will be the basis for the reflections presented during this event.

The aim of this event is to support proposers with the most recent lessons learned, helping to improve the chances to win proposals in the current Cluster 4 Call.

You can find the detailed agenda in the section "Download-Center". Registration is closed.

Please note: Zoom-Link will be sent to registrants in due time


Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU), Große Unternehmen (GU), Universitäten, Fachhochschulen, Kompetenzzentren, Forschungseinrichtungen, Einzel-ForscherInnen, Start-Up, Multiplikatoren / Intermediäre


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