Zuletzt geändert: 21.06.2016

University of South Bohemia

Institute of Complex Systems FFPW
Institute of complex systems was established as one of the four institutes of the faculty in 2012. It inherited in part the infrastructure of the Institute of Physical Biology founded in Nové Hrady (border to Waldviertel, nearby Wetra and Gmünd) founded in 2001. The main aim of the institute is the research in the field complex systems and creation of the closed loop cycle from the experiment design over experimentrealization, data processing and analysis till the data management. This aim is very broad and therefore all the laboratories are involved in the mutual cooperation. We can find the complex systems all around us. The example of complex system is anthill, human management, social structures, climate, nervous systems, cells and living creatures as well as energy and telecommunication infrastructure. The rediscovered trend is the exploration of the complex systems. circle To be able to identify these systems, it is necessary to combine the methods from different scientific fields. It is necessary to measure the system (in the form f controlled experiment), get the knowledge through data processing of experimental data, to determine the description of system behavior, draw conclusions and evaluate them using reproduction of the experiment. This is the way how to identify complex systems, we can predict their behavior and to control them. The institute is directly connected with the faculty through the joint research projects focused on the analysis of behavior of aquatic organisms and management of experimental data. Aims of the institute: basic research on natural systems by physical, mathematical, biological, chemical and other exact methods applied research in the field of systems for monitoring aquatic organisms and system for management of experimental data multidisciplinary education of students popularization of science aimed at increasing student interest in science and research - Summer School cooperation with foreign and domestic research centers cooperation with the commercial sector - the transfer of innovations into practice ) research services

Organisation Details

Adresse Zamek 136
37333 Nové Hrady
Mitarbeiter in F&E 15
  • IT - Software
  • Informationssysteme
  • Diagnostik
  • Chemische Technologien
  • Mikro- & Nanotechnologie
  • Chemie
  • Physik
  • Materialprüfung
  • Messtechnik
  • Technische Wissenschaften (Sonstige)
  • Lebensmittelindustrie
  • Ernährung, Landwirtschaft (Sonstige)
  • Forschungsservice und Beratung
  • Technologieverwertung, -transfer
Zusätzliche Keywords Microscopy, macroscopic imaging, sendorics, human and animal behaviour, cell-based diagnostics, image , analysls, information theory, algorithmics, liquid/gas chromatography - mass spectrometry, cognition,


Dr. Petr Cisar
Dr. Petr Cisar
T 420777729581
F 420777729581