Zuletzt geändert: 11.08.2013

Universität Linz

Zentrum für Oberflächen- und Nanoanalytik
The centre acts as a mediator between basic research and applied material science, serving both the in house (JKU) institutes as well as the interested Austrian (and European) companies. It plays a primary role through support of interdisciplinary and interfacultary research, training and education through essential resources for electron - and ion beam micro- and nano-characterization of all kind of advanced materials, as well as analysis techniques for surfaces and interfaces. Our aim is to understand the Physics and Chemistry: we put great emphasis placed on fundamental properties of materials, surfaces and interfaces rather than on applied science and product development. Naturally, application of materials is the ultimate goal, but this needs to be built on firm theoretical basis so that improvements can be made more efficiently and reliably. Particular attention is thereforegiven to understanding a material’s behaviour from the atomic/nano-level via microstructure to macrostructure levels using advanced analytical techniques and computer modelling. This strategy is applied to both the improvement of conventional “bulk” materials, such as steel, and to new functional materials for increasingly smaller, “smarter” devices

Organisation Details

Adresse Altenbergerstrasse 69
4040 Linz
Mitarbeiter in F&E 20
  • Elektrotechnik
  • Chemische Technologien
  • Mikro- & Nanotechnologie
  • Chemie
  • Physik
  • Werkstofftechnologien
  • Energiespeicherung und -transport
  • Energie (Sonstige)
Zusätzliche Keywords Optical Technologies, photovoltaics, optical properties, Energy Storage, Surface and nanoanalytics,


Prof. Dr Kurt Hingerl
Prof. Dr Kurt Hingerl
T +43 732 2468 9662