Corporate Research Coordination, AVL List GmbH

Peter PRENNINGER„In order to realize sustainable mobility in Europe, urban passenger road transport will have to be 80% more efficient and long-distance transport 40% more efficient by 2030. No single technology will enable these targets to be realized: a system solution will be essential. A significant part of these efficiency gains will need to be achieved through improving powertrain and vehicle technology, by connectivity and interaction with the infrastructure, by influencing travelling patterns, and by implementing low carbon or carbon neutral fuels.

To achieve these objectives, continued funding also in Horizon Europe specifically in the mobility arena and particularly to support applied road transport research at Technology Readiness Levels 3 and 7, i.e. for industrial research and development, is needed. And these needs are broad, covering both system aspects looking at multi-modal mobility within the digitalizing environment, and also down to detailed road vehicle and component technologies to ensure further product de-carbonation and energy efficiency improvements. Furthermore, applied research needs to be continued on both the development and the production processes of road vehicles, in order to maintain European competitiveness in the fast-changing automotive industry.“

Curriculum Vitae

1979/80-1983/84 Studies of Engine Engineering at Univ. of Technology Graz, Thesis: „Selected problems of flows of incompressible fluids at high Reynolds numbers“;

1984-1987 Research assistant at Institute of Mechanics, University Innsbruck, PhD studies on technical sciences, PhD thesis: „Reliability of tall buildings under wind loading“

January-April 1986 Research visit at Florida Atlantic University/USA

1988-1989 14-months research fellow at Kyoto University/Japan

April-June 1989 3-months research fellow at Beijing University/China

since August 1989 AVL List GmbH

1989-1995 Project engineer at Applied Thermodynamics
1996-1999 Team manager Applied Thermodynamics Pass-Cars
1999-2003 Head of Research & Innovation Pass Car Powertrains
2004-2012 Manager Research Future Technologies
2001-2012 Team manager Fuel Cell Systems
since 2012 Corporate Research Co-ordination

since 2008 Guest Professor at University Rostock: Course „Charging of the Internal Combustion Engine“
since 2008 Guest Professor at CDHK of Tongji University Shanghai: Course „Charging of the Internal Combustion Engine“
2008-2012 Panel member „Production and Engineering“ of the ERC
2016-2020 Member of the H2020 Transport Advisory Group & Science with and for Society Advisory Group
since 2016 Member of the Senat and Kuratorium of the Christian Doppler Research Association

Über die FFG

Die Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) ist die nationale Förderinstitution für die unternehmensnahe Forschung und Entwicklung in Österreich. Förderungen der FFG tragen maßgeblich dazu bei, neues Wissen zu generieren, neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln und damit am Weltmarkt wettbewerbsfähiger zu sein.
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