Geschäftsführender Direktor, Europäischer Fonds für Strategische Investitionen (EFSI)

Wilhelm MOLTERERWilhelm Molterer has been Managing Director of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) since 1 November 2015.

He holds a Master's degree in Social Economics from Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria. After his University studies, he became an Economic Adviser at the Austrian Farmers’ Association and an Adviser to the Regional Minister of Agriculture in Upper Austria. He subsequently became an Economic Adviser to the Federal Minister of Agriculture. He then continued his career as Head of Cabinet of the Federal Minister for Agriculture and became Secretary-General of the Austrian Farmers Association.

From 1990 to 1994, Wilhelm Molterer was a Member of the Austrian Federal Parliament and a Spokesperson for Agriculture and later became Secretary-General of the Austrian People’s Party /ÖVP. From 1994 to 2002, he was the Federal Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management in Austria. From 2007 to 2008 he was Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister of Finance, while in the period from 2008 to 2011 he acted as the Parliament’s spokesperson for constitutional matters. From July 2011 until August 2015 he was Vice-President of the European Investment Bank and a member of its Management Committee, a permanent collegiate executive body.

Foto-Credit: EIB Copyright

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