Webinar: Eureka Austria-Israel Call 2023

International Webinar
The national funding bodies from Austria and Israel have allocated funding for organisations collaborating on international R&D projects.

The partnership will support research and innovation projects within all thematic fields.

In this interactive webinar the organisers FFG and IIA will share more information about the call, including details on funding support and how you can find project partners. You can ask questions and interact with all other participants during this session. Potential applicants from Austria and Israel but also other Eureka countries are welcome to attend.

Preliminary agenda:

  • 10:00 CET (11:00 IST) Introduction of the Call & Moderation | FFG EIP Ines Marinkovic, Eureka NCP
  • Eureka Application, smartsimple | Eureka Secretariat (ESE), Hilde Haeleydt
  • Application and funding in Austria | FFG BP Amrei Strehl, Stefanie Kurasch
  • Application and funding in Israel | IIA Neta Gruber, Uzi Bar Sadeh
  • Partnering Opportunities | Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), Astrid Flandorfer
  • Q&A, Moderation Ines Marinkovic
The Eureka Austria-Israel Call will be open until19 February 2024. More information on the call and the national application procedure is available at the FFG Website and the Eureka Website.
A virtual marketplace has been set up for the call for proposals, which you can use to arrange b2b meetings with other participants at any time until February 2024. Take the opportunity to find partners and discuss project opportunities.
The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) will also be happy to support you in your search for partners and arrange cooperation requests and offers.


Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU), Große Unternehmen (GU), Universitäten, Forschungseinrichtungen


T 0043577554906

M 004366488641806
Dr. Michael WALCH
Dr. Michael WALCH
T 0043577554901