FFG-Webinar: Bio-based Industries – Call 2020

The European Partnership-initiative "Bio-based Industries" (BBI JU) has published its annual workplan for 2020. The call for proposal for 2020 includes 15 topics focusing on the areas of biomass, bio-refineries and the development and market update of bio-based products.  A funding budget of 87 Mio Euro will be available for this call.

Are you interested in the 2020 call for proposals of BBI JU? Then join the webinar on 28th of January 2020 (10.00-11.30 am CET).

Nelo Emerencia, Director Programming of the Biobased Industries Consortium, will give you insight information on

  • Topics and conditions of the BBI JU 2020 call
  • How can I participate?
  • Lessons learnt and success-rates of previous calls
  • Short outlook to HEU

In a subsequent Q&A Session you will have the opportunity to discuss the call topics and framework in more detail with Nelo Emerencia.


Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU), Große Unternehmen (GU), Universitäten, Fachhochschulen, Kompetenzzentren, Forschungseinrichtungen, Einzel-ForscherInnen, Start-Up, (Gemeinnützige) Vereine, Multiplikatoren / Intermediäre


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