“ERC at 3“ online sessions by the FFG Academy: How to write an outstanding ERC proposal – for Starters and Consolidators

A service by the FFG Academy
The FFG Academy offers a string of online sessions to support researchers in their preparation for the first ERC Starting and Consolidator Grant Calls in Horizon Europe, the new EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021-2027).

With the ERC Starting Grant, the ERC supports talented early-career scientists (minimum 2, maximum 7 years post-PhD) in establishing their scientific independence, often by heading their own research team for the first time. The ERC Consolidator Grant addresses excellent early-career scientists (minimum 7, maximum 12 years post-PhD) seeking to consolidate their independent research agenda and team. 

All registered participants will receive a link to a recorded overview presentation covering all ERC scientific domains (Physical Sciences and Engineering, Life Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities) in advance of the domain-specific sessions. This introductory presentation captures the main principles of ERC funding and key features of the Starting and Consolidator Grant Call 2021.

Three interactive ERC domain-specific online sessions will be held, with the aim to provide a forum to also discuss questions and challenges that may be more specific to certain fields of research.

The following ERC panel members and grantees have kindly agreed to share their experiences and recommendations and answer questions by participants during these sessions:

Registered participants will also be provided with weblinks to successful ERC applications and other materials that have been made public by ERC Grantees, in order to discuss inspirational aspects and questions that can be derived from these applications or examples during the online sessions.

Please feel free to participate in one, severall or all domain-specific sessions. Kindly note that the number of participants is limited, and that priority will be given to researchers planning to submit an ERC Starting or Consolidator Grant proposal at an Austrian institution to the 2021 Call or within the next few years.

  • Life Sciences: 24 November 2020, 3pm - 5:30pm -> Registration is closed
  • Social Sciences and Humanities: 1 December 2020, 3pm - 5:30pm -> Registration is closed
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering: 3 December 2020, 3pm - 5:30pm -> Registration is closed

Training Language: English


Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU), Große Unternehmen (GU), Universitäten, Fachhochschulen, Kompetenzzentren, Forschungseinrichtungen, Einzel-ForscherInnen, Start-Up, (Gemeinnützige) Vereine, Gebietskörperschaften, Multiplikatoren / Intermediäre


Dr. Ylva HUBER
Dr. Ylva HUBER
T 0043577554102
T 0043577554111