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EU Networking: Managing Ethics in Europe and in Austria

An event of the Department of European and International Programmes
- 18:00
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft FFG

1090 Wien, Sensengasse 1

In Horizon 2020 and the upcoming programme Horizon Europe researchers have to identify ethical issues and to comply with European standards on Ethics and Research Integrity. The aim of this EU Networking is to raise awareness and to discuss potential improvements on National and European level.

Representatives of the European Commission and Ethic Experts will discuss the main challenges in the field of Research Ethics and Research Integrity at European and National level.

  • What are the most important ethical aspects researchers have to consider?
  • What is the current situation in Austria with regard to ethical issues and research integrity?
  • Where can you find relevant ethical committees or competent authorities?
  • What are weaknesses and strength?


The event will take place in English.

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