Researchers' Career Moves Beyond Academia – Brunch Talk in Vienna

- 13:00
Markhof - Das Dorf in der Stadt GmbH
Markhofgasse 19
A-1030 Wien

Are you a researcher by training, e.g. a postdoc or a PhD candidate in your final year, with career experience beyond academia, for instance by working at a company, an NGO, a public body?

Then we would like to invite you for our Brunch Talk on researchers' career moves beyond academia, to share your career pathway and experiences as a researcher working in the non-academic sector. You have the chance to meet other researchers active in the non-academic sector and gain new insights on the spectrum of researchers' career paths. Apart from diverse career trajectories and experiences, we will also discuss your ideas on what was supporting you in your transition (and possibly, what not), and what are or would be effective measures in Austria to help researchers make the most of career opportunities beyond academia.

Spots are limited and if this is of interest for you, register here soon – your participation will be confirmed within three / five working days after your registration.

If this sounds relevant to someone you know, we are grateful if you share this information.

