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FFG EU Networking Event on "Managing ethics in Europe and in Austria"

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EU Commissioner Moedas and Federal Minister Faßmann on Austria’s success within the EU Research Framework Programme – in the run-up to the FFG FORUM, Egerth and Pseiner stress the FFG’s targeted support

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High-level conference on industrial technologies at Messe Wien exhibition centre in Vienna from 29 to 31 October 2018: Industrial research and innovation is a key driver for the competitiveness of the EU’s industry and a sustainable Europe

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Sabine Herlitschka: Europe needs a strategic industrial policy

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Within the scope of the Austrian EU Presidency, the largest conference in the field of industrial technologies will be held in Vienna on 29 - 31 October

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Congratulations to excellent researchers at five local institutions – FFG is a strong partner for successful application at the European Research Council

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Up to 7.5 million euros for three Austrian companies - support from the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG

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Up to 7.5 million euros for three Austrian companies - support from the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG

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Informal meeting of competitiveness ministers in Vienna to take stock of "Horizon Europe" negotiations – Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG provides specific support

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COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is an EU-funded programme that enables researchers to set up their interdisciplinary research networks in Europe and beyond. Three current success stories under the leadership of researchers at Austrian institutions show how this can be achieved. The next deadline for submissions is 29 November 2018 and the Austria Promotion Agency FFG, as the National Contact Point, will again be offering information and advice. If you want to get to know COST, you can also do so at the COST Information Day on 6 November 2018, which takes place during the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

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Negotiations on the 9th EU Research Framework Programme (2021-2027) – "Horizon Europe" will play a major role during the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU – "Overview Report on Austria in Horizon 2020" shows a very successful performance