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Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG on the "partial general approach" reached at the Competitiveness Council – Austria has made a major contribution with its committed work during the Austrian EU-Presidency

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In partnership with the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH (aws), the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW) and the European Commission are organising the "Innovative Enterprise Vienna 2018" conference on the opportunities of EU funding programmes for highly innovative European enterprises.

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Annual Event of the COST programme in Vienna - Egerth and Pseiner: FFG provides specific support - Schädler: COST is an important pillar in the European RTI landscape

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Nova explosion recorded with unprecedented time resolution presented at the EU Space Conference in Graz – excellent space expertise at Austrian universities

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Already 1.06 billion euros of European research funding to Austria – Egerth and Pseiner emphasise FFG information and consultancy services– Work on successor programme "Horizon Europe" in full swing

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Kick-off of "Innovative Industries for Smart Growth" conference – over 1,300 experts convene in Vienna

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Egerth and Pseiner: Austrian SMEs play in the Champions League - "Innovative Enterprise" in Vienna on 21/22 November 2018 focuses on financing opportunities for SMEs

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Austrian institutions are represented in almost one third of approved projects – FFG offers a comprehensive range of information and consultancy services

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Austrian institutions are represented in almost one third of approved projects – FFG offers a comprehensive range of information and consultancy services

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Minister Schramböck: SMEs are the backbone of the economy - WKÖ-Rabmer-Koller: EEN offers tailor-made support - FFG-Egerth: 73.000 companies in Austria have benefited since 2008

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Klaus Pseiner, Managing Director FFG: "In one week, Vienna will become a hotspot for future key technologies"

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WKÖ, FFG and the Austrian EEN partners together with the European Commission invite to Messe Wien from 23-25 October 2018 - Focus on services for Europe's small and medium-sized enterprises

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Industrial innovative solutions to protect the environment

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"ERA Thematic Dossier" on MSCA and ERC shows successful performance and above-average success rates – FFG supports researchers and companies with a comprehensive range of information and consultancy services

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Under the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU, JPI Urban Europe and Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG, together with BMVIT and BMBWF, invited guests to the conference "10 Years Joint Programming"