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Innovative industries for smart growth – be part of a unique experience at INDTECH2018

Industrial innovative solutions to protect the environment

Bertrand Piccard
The well-known pioneer Bertrand Piccard will stopover at INDTECH2018
Following his mission of "flying around the world to promote clean energy" the well-known pioneer Bertrand Piccard will stopover at INDTECH2018. Join us in Vienna and meet the innovator who made history by circumnavigating the globe in an airplane powered only by the sun. His current goal is to select 1.000 economically profitable solutions to protect the environment and present them to decision makers in 2019, with the aim to encourage them to adopt more ambitious environmental targets and energy policies.
"At the INDTECH2018 I will meet high-level experts in the fields of nanotechnology, advanced materials, manufacturing and biotechnology to explore new ways to contribute to carbon neutral Industry", says Bertrand Piccard, Initiator and Chairman of the Solar Impulse Foundation. Around 1.000 participants are expected.
Technologies for sustainable growth and their impact on citizens 
INDTECH2018 will convey newest insights and applications reflecting the state of the art in the field of industrial technologies. Plenaries with political impact on the industrial landscape will be followed by parallel sessions around the following pillars:
1. Technologies for sustainable growth
2. Innovative industry for citizens
3. Ecosystem and framing conditions
INDTECH2018 will be opened by Jean-Eric Paquet, Director-General of the European Commission’s DG Research and Innovation, Andreas Reichhardt, Secretary General of the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit), and Klaus Pseiner, Managing Director of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). 
Around 1.000 participants from more than 50 countries in the EU and worldwide are expected.
INDTECH2018 at a glance
29 October 2018: Pre-conference workshops
30-31 October 2018: conference
Messe Wien Messe- und Kongresszentrum
Messeplatz 1
1021 Vienna
Communication and Public Relations Coordinator Solarimpulse/Bertrand Piccard
Anouk Rieben
