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Transnational Road Research Programme of the Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR)

CEDR recognises the importance of research in the development of sustainable transport and has established a Working Group (WG) to monitor European research activities and to advise the CEDR Governing Board (GB) on issues relating to research. WG Innovation (WGI) responsibilities include dissemination of research results as well as initiating research programmes that support CEDR members in current and future situations.

This Transnational Research Programme follows on from previous programmes organised under the ERA-NET ROAD brand. “ERA-NET ROAD – Coordination and implementation of Road Research in Europe” was a Coordination and Support Action funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission which concluded in December 2011. The goal of ERA-NET ROAD (ENR) was to develop a platform for international cooperation and collaboration in research areas of common interest. This included the production of an “ENR-toolkit” for carrying out transnational research and trials of the various procedures developed through a series of projects and programmes funded directly by European Road Administrations. Full details of the research projects commissioned through this process can also be viewed at the ENR website

The aim of the CEDR Transnational Road Research Programme is to promote cooperation between the various European road administrations in relation to road research activities. The specific objectives of the topics of a call are contained in the recpective Description of Research Needs (DoRN).

Das Wichtigste in Kürze

Programmeigentümer/ Geldgeber sonstige
Europäisch & International
Einreichung nach Ausschreibungs-Prinzip
Zielgruppe siehe Zielgruppen
Was wird gefördert -
Min. / max. Förderung - / -
Welche Kosten werden gefördert? Personnel: type of work with personnel cost rates (including overheads) Equipment: only depreciation during the project can be considered Sub-Contracting: public procurement directive must be applied Others: travel, meetings, etc related to the project.
Min. / max. Laufzeit 24 Monate
Verfügbarkeit von 17.12.2014 - 17.12.2014


DI Dr. Christian PECHARDA
DI Dr. Christian PECHARDA
T 0043577555030
Dr. Dietrich LEIHS
Dr. Dietrich LEIHS
T 0043577555034