The ASAP-SSO Call Call invites proposals for the following topics:
1. space research and science,
a. Priority area: Technologies for scientific instruments
2. space technologies and
a. Priority area: Atomic clocks
b. Priority area: High-precision mechanisms and structures
c. Priority area: Electro-optical data transmission
3. applications of satellite-based technologies.
a. Priority area: Technologies for user-funded applications
The following funding instruments are available for the SSO- ASAP Call:
„Leitfaden für Kooperative F&E Projekte – Transnationale Ausschreibung“. Only one Austrian partner within the Swiss consortium is permitted.
The project proposals will be evaluated by SSO according to the following criteria:
- background and experience of the study team members
- potential for innovation of the topic proposed
- quality and suitability of proposed programme of work
- adequacy of management, costing, and planning for the execution of work
More Informationen you will find in the ASAP Downloadcenter.