ASAP - SSO Call 2020

A cooperation with the Swiss Space Office (SSO)
Ausschreibung offen von 27.02.2020 12:00 bis 05.05.2020 12:00
BMK - Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie
The Austrian Space Applications Programme supports Austrian stakeholders in positioning themselves in defined areas in order to maintain and enhance their international competitiveness. In this context, the ASAP-SSO Call makes available a total of € 100.000,- for the funding of Austrian participants.

The ASAP-SSO Call is aimed at Swiss and Austrian partners who wish to submit a joint proposal in the framework of the Swiss “Mesures de Positionnement 2020”.


Specific regulations to the austrian partners:

  • only one partner from Austria in a consortium
  • max. € 100.000,- funding for a Austrian partner in a consortium
  • max. € 100.000,- in total for all Austrian applicants recommended for funding 
  • project duration max. 15 month


Topics to be proposed are open but must be related to the development of hardware and/or software for space applications. Preference will be given to the following topics:

  • Priority area A:  High-precision mechanisms and structures
  • Priority area B:  Atomic clocks
  • Priority area C:  Photonics
  • Priority area D:  Technologies for scientific instruments
  • Priority area E:  Technologies for user-funded applications



  • 05 Mai 2020; 12:00 MET:         Deadline to submit the proposals
  • 28 August 2020:                       Funding decision 



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