40. Call Production of the Future, Cooperation Austria – Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (7th bilateral call with CAS)

Ausschreibung offen von 13.04.2021 08:00 bis 29.07.2021 12:00
BMK - Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie CAS - Chinese Academy of Sciences
The aim of this call for Austrian-Chinese Cooperative R&D Projects is to support the jointly identified research topic nano materials with mutual interests and scientific excellence based on the existing cooperation agreement between the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China.

FFG is prepared to provide selected Cooperative R&D Projects with financial support for a maximum of 3 years. The total call budget for the Austrian project partners is EUR 1 million (equivalent to around CNY 7,8 million). The funding amount for Austrian partners in a joint project must be between EUR 100.000 and EUR 1.000.000. The budget provided by FFG can only be used to cover costs related to the project parts carried out by the Austrian project partners. The funding regulations for Austrian project partners are laid down in the respective call documents.


The Cooperative R&D Projects must address at least one of the following topics

  • Nano materials for thermal management (including thermal insulation, thermal transferring and thermal storage) in 5G era and related new energy applications
  • Nanomaterials, including sensors, surfaces, electronics and 3D-printing as well as antibacterial and disinfectant nanostructural materials


Deadline for submission to FFG and to CAS

  • FFG submission via eCall: July 29th 2021, 12:00 Central European Summer Time (C.E.S.T.)
  • CAS submission electronically via CAS ARP system: July 29th 2021, 18:00 China Standard Time (C.S.T.)


Strategic Objectives of the Call

  1. Increase the innovation performance of the national manufacturing industry by making better use of collaboration options to solve challenging interdisciplinary tasks, by motivating companies that have so far shown little or no innovation activity and by improving the industry’s access to relevant research expertise available at research institutions and organisations.
  2. Built up research expertise in research institutions by establishing and expanding research and teaching capacities (e.g. through the establishment of endowed professorships).
  3. Strengthen European and international collaborations and networks  by participating in ERA-Nets (European Research Area Networks) relevant to the manufacturing industry, by carrying out bilateral calls with selected non-EU countries or by organising research workshops with Austrian stakeholders from the manufacturing industry and production research in selected countries within and outside Europe.


Operative Objectives of the Call – relevant for Austrian participants

Objective 1: Efficient use of resources and raw materials and efficient production technologies
Objective 2: Flexible production
Objective 3: Manufacture of high-quality products



Future-oriented research and development seeks to achieve the current global, national and regional goals that are designed to put us on a path to a sustainable future. The call makes reference to the global Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDGs) and therefor requires applicants to address the key sustainability goals to which the proposed project makes a concrete positive contribution. General information on sustainability is available in the Call Guideline (see below) and on the FFG website (http://www.ffg.at/nachhaltigkeit-kriterien).


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Hier finden sie alle ausschreibungsrelevanten Unterlagen zur bilateralen themenspezifischen Ausschreibung 2021 zwischen Österreich und der Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China. 


Ausschreibungsleitfaden national

Call Fiche Austria – Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS, China



  • Kostenleitfaden (Version 2.1, gültig ab 01.09.2017) und weitere kostenrelevante Informationen



Beratung – Projektskizze:

Die FFG bietet die Möglichkeit eines Beratungsgespräches für Ihr Vorhaben im Rahmen von "Produktion der Zukunft" an. Vereinbaren Sie einen Termin und senden Sie im Vorfeld eine Projektskizze, um das Gespräch effizient gestalten zu können. Eine Vorlage für die Projektskizze finden Sie hier.

Wichtiger Hinweis: Die Kosten werden seit Herbst 2015 ausschließlich via FFG eCall, dem elektronischen Kundenzentrum der FFG, erfasst.
Eidesstattliche Erklärung zum KMU Status
Hinweis: Einzelunternehmen, Vereine, Start-ups und ausländische Unternehmen müssen im Zuge der Antragseinreichung eine eidesstattliche Erklärung abgeben. In der von der FFG zur Verfügung gestellten Vorlage muss – sofern möglich – eine Einstufung der letzten 3 Jahre lt. KMU-Definition vorgenommen werden.

Diese Ausschreibung basiert auf der Themen-FTI-Richtlinie zur Förderung der wirtschaftlich - technischen Forschung, Technologieentwicklung und Innovation.