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Equality and Diversity

Gender - Bedeutung und Hintergrund
Vielfalt und Gleichstellungsplan


Equal opportunities for people of all genders and respect for diversity are a priority for the FFG. By bringing a broader range of approaches to thinking and acting, diversity enriches both our coexistence and research in general. Gender equality is also an important economic factor, as a location can only be competitive if it attracts the best minds to research and development, regardless of gender, age, disability, skin colour, or ideology. Gender equality is also integral to the development of a new research culture. The FFG is implementing a series of measures designed to promote gender equality in research, development and innovation in line with the outcome goals of the two owner ministries, the Federal Ministries of Labour and Economy (BMAW) and Climate Action (BMK).

The FFG website provides comprehensive information on gender, equality and diversity. Find out how a gender equality plan can strengthen your organization and why it is a prerequisite for some EU funding. How are the terms diversitygender and equality defined, and why are they important to research and development? How is gender relevant in research? What are the gender criteria applied in the FFG’s selection procedures? As well as explanations, you will also find extensive assistance in the form of guides and video tutorials.