Employee directory
GALUSZKA AlexanderStructural Programmes
GANGLMAYER KerstinEuropean and International Programmes
GANSS SarahGeneral Programmes
GASPARONI SaraEuropean and International Programmes
GAVRILOVIC AnastasijaThematic Programmes
GEISLER AndreasAeronautics and Space Agency
GEISSLER AndreasThematic Programmes
GEIST ThomasAeronautics and Space Agency
GESSL ChristianGeneral Programmes
GEYER GerdaThematic Programmes
GHAFOURIAN TannazStructural Programmes
GLECHNER AlexanderAudit Unit
GLEIXNER TanjaAudit Unit
GLENCK EmmanuelThematic Programmes
GNETH-PÖLTL AlexanderThematic Programmes
GÖD FlorianGeneral Programmes
GOLLNER ChristophEuropean and International Programmes
GÖSCHL Marie-LuiseGeneral Programmes
GOSSAR SonjaStructural Programmes
GRBAVAC SrdjanOperations Management
GROSSBERGER KatrinGeneral Programmes
GRUBER ElisabethGeneral Programmes
GRUBER KatharinaResearch and Development Allowance
GRUBER LarissaEuropean and International Programmes
GUTZELNIG SolveigEuropean and International Programmes