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Think out of the box!

Think out of the box! This is the slogan of the IDEEN LAB - both for participants and for the FFG, who broke new ground with this pilot in 2018 and 2019: in few days, from developing ideas to finding a team, continuing with the planning of the projects up to the first funding recommendation. In the IDEEN LAB (co-creation event), highly innovative, interdisciplinary, cooperative projects are developed along the questions of the respective IDEEN LAB 4.0-Call.

The program aims at:

Stimulating new ideas to solve a defined challenge. This is done in a systematic process, based on modern innovation and creative methods.

The IDEEN LAB includes the following aspects:

  • The systematic get-together of different disciplines and heterogeneous expertises already before the application submission,
  • the formation of new, interdisciplinary teams,
  • to jointly develop and implement new project ideas along the questions to the defined challenge


In addition, the funded ideas add value beyond the project itself and those directly involved in the project (e.g., increased visibility of the topic at conferences, publications, product development, services).

In September 2018 the first IDEEN LAB along the challenge "Mensch 4.0? - Die Zukunft der Zusammenarbeit Mensch-Maschine" took place.

€ 3.5 million were sponsored by the Nationalstiftung für Forschung, Technologie und Entwicklung and Österreich-Fonds for funding projects.

Five interdisciplinary, cooperative projects were submitted and three projects recommended for the next stage. They developed their projects along these questions:

How can we work with intelligent machines and systems

  • to promote the development of human talents and competences (such as empathy, creativity) and the quality of working conditions for people?
  • to ensure the individual sense of security and psychological well-being for humans?
  • to design the interaction design free of stereotypes, human-oriented and to create new ways of interaction?
  • to keep human integrity and dignity?

The pilot call allows a novel approach to generate collaborative projects in interdisciplinary consortia in just five days - during the IDEEN LAB - and for the short proposals on the last day to receive a first funding recommendation. The implementation of the positively assessed project (in the form of the short application) can start quickly after the submission of a detailed full application (at the latest 2 months after the IDEEN LAB) and a second funding recommendation.


The essentials in brief

Program Owner / Sponsor Nationalstiftung für Forschung, Technologie und Entwicklung Österreich Fonds
Project type
Target group small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), large companies, universities, universities of applied sciences, competence centres, research facilities, single researchers, Start Up, (non-profit) associations, authorities, multipliers / intermediaries
What is being funded cooperative R&D-projects
Availability from 30.04.2018 - constantly


T 0043577552405

Additional Information