
Nova explosion recorded with unprecedented time resolution presented at the EU Space Conference in Graz – excellent space expertise at Austrian universities


Already 1.06 billion euros of European research funding to Austria – Egerth and Pseiner emphasise FFG information and consultancy services– Work on successor programme "Horizon Europe" in full swing


Kick-off of "Innovative Industries for Smart Growth" conference – over 1,300 experts convene in Vienna


Minister Schramböck: SMEs are the backbone of the economy - WKÖ-Rabmer-Koller: EEN offers tailor-made support - FFG-Egerth: 73.000 companies in Austria have benefited since 2008


WKÖ, FFG and the Austrian EEN partners together with the European Commission invite to Messe Wien from 23-25 October 2018 - Focus on services for Europe's small and medium-sized enterprises


Under the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU, JPI Urban Europe and Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG, together with BMVIT and BMBWF, invited guests to the conference "10 Years Joint Programming"


EU Commissioner Moedas and Federal Minister Faßmann on Austria’s success within the EU Research Framework Programme – in the run-up to the FFG FORUM, Egerth and Pseiner stress the FFG’s targeted support


Congratulations to excellent researchers at five local institutions – FFG is a strong partner for successful application at the European Research Council


Negotiations on the 9th EU Research Framework Programme (2021-2027) – "Horizon Europe" will play a major role during the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU – "Overview Report on Austria in Horizon 2020" shows a very successful performance