News Subscribe to news 32 pressemitteilung 24 Year 2022 7 2021 2 2020 2 2019 3 2018 18 Electric mobility: Ministry of Climate Action funds a further 118 zero-emission buses in six provinces The aim is to increase the proportion of zero-emission buses in Austria and provide a zero-emission transport service for people wishing to switch from private to public transport.The second EBIN call Mehr erfahren Once again, four Austrian companies among Europe’s top innovators “Together with the four Austrian companies selected back in October 2022, in total more than 42 million euros in financing will be made available for the eight companies, representing a considerable s Mehr erfahren Minister Polaschek congratulates scientists on 17 ERC Starting Grants With no less than seven Starting Grants, a particularly large number of projects in the field of physics and engineering sciences were funded this year. Six other scientists focus on social science to Mehr erfahren Second major European hydrogen initiative launched with Austrian participation A total of 35 projects run by 29 companies from 13 member states of the European Union are participating in the European IPCEI Hy2Use. The member states are handing out subsidies of up to €5.2 billion Mehr erfahren Federal government invests 900 million euros in broadband expansion in 2022 “My job as Minister of Digitalisation and Finance is to create the right framework conditions. Only a strategically sound digitalisation policy will make people’s everyday lives easier and offer a lev Mehr erfahren The highest accolade for former Foreign Minister Peter Jankowitsch Presentation of the IAA award to Peter Jankowitsch on 28 March 2022. Peter Jankowitsch participated in drawing up various important space treaties, including the famous Moon Tre Mehr erfahren FFG publishes first Austrian monitoring report on digital accessibility Austrian monitoring report on digital accessibility Download (only availably in German) The results from the monitoring report: 54% of the websites and mobile applications checked fe Mehr erfahren New Take Off call makes available 9.2 million Euros for innovation, climate protection and sustainability in the aviation industry “Austria has set itself some ambitious goals in its Mobility Masterplan 2030: in future, transport should protect our environment and help us to emit fewer pollutants into the air. We already know&nbs Mehr erfahren "Hardware" for top-level research: EUR 18 million for laboratory equipment "Modern laboratory equipment and suitable facilities are essential for Austria as a research and innovation location," explained the FFG Managing Directors Henrietta Egerth and Klaus Pseiner. "They al Mehr erfahren Austria active in the fight against coronavirus As early as March, the Corona Emergency Call was launched via a fast-track procedure as an immediate measure for fighting the coronavirus. Now, two months later, the result of the Corona Mehr erfahren Responsibility for society FFG Managing Directors Klaus Pseiner and Henrietta Egerth Credit: FFG/Astrid Knie Anyone able to adapt quickly and find new solutions to changing framework conditions can return to renew Mehr erfahren #Success Story: MitoEAGLE >> A catalogue for mitochondrial fitness! Strong network enables comprehensive data inventory Evolution, age, gender, lifestyle and environment (EAGLE) - all these aspects influence the mitochondrial functions and diseases of human tis Mehr erfahren Pagination Load 12 more results About the FFG The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is the national funding institution for industry-related research and development in Austria. FFG funding plays a key role in generating new knowledge, developing new products and services, and thereby becoming more competitive in the global market. Learn more Stay connected Every week, you will receive an update from the FFG in your inbox. Of course, you can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time. Your e-mail address