Personnel costs in the proposal in Horizon Europe

Personnel costs regularly account for the major part of costs in Horizon Europe actions. This knowledge is of great advantage already during the proposal phase.

The proposal must contain a calculation of the time that a person will likely spend on the project. This estimated working time has to be stated in Part B (Section 3.1, Table 3.1f, as well as Table 3.1a and Table 3.1b) of the proposal as so-called “person months”.


Step 1) Calculation of one person month

= 215 divided by 12


Step 2) Determination of the day equivalent

3 alternatives:

1.) day equivalent according to the contract (e.g. 7.5 hours per day)

= (215 divided by 12) multiplied by 7.5

2.) day equivalent according to "standard annual productive hours", as long as they equal to at least 90% of the annual workable hours (e.g. 1580 hours per year)

e.g. 1580 "standard annual productive hours" divided by 215 = 7.35 hours per day

= (215 divided by 12) multiplied by 7.35

3.) day equivalent according to the Commission (8 hours per day)

= (215 divided by 12) multiplied by 8


These person months have to be indicated per partner organization of the future project for the whole project duration per work package.

The calculation of the estimated personnel costs should be based on a rough but realistic estimate that considers a range for e.g. future pay increase.


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MITISKA Tamara-Katharina
Mag. Tamara-Katharina MITISKA
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