Dissertantinnen für Zukunftsthemen der Wirtschaft 2023

Dissertantinnen für Energie-, Mobilitätswende, Kreislaufwirtschaft

The call "Dissertantinnen für Zukunftsthemen der Wirtschaft 2023", financed by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), supports the career opportunities of women in the field of natural sciences and technology in three call topics.

Female doctoral candidates work in companies or non-university research institutions with a branch in Austria and deal with a scientific or technical research question within the call topics energy transition, mobility transition or circular economy as part of their doctoral thesis.

A maximum of EUR 110,000 per project or a maximum of 50% of the total costs are funded. The focus of the funding is on the costs of the doctoral candidate.

Call specifics:

  • Only female doctoral candidates are funded.
  • The budget is exclusively marked for the call topics energy transition, mobility transition, circular economy.
  • A maximum of 2 applications per organization can be approved. If companies are affiliated with other organizations, their applications will be summed up.

Please beware - important information about the available budget:

Submission is possible on an on-going basis, on a „first come - first served“ basis.

If the funding is exhausted before February, 29th, 2024, the call will be closed before the scheduled end (completely, or for individual call topics).

Current information can be found here on this website.

Looking for a PhD position?

The Austrian Job Exchange for Research, Development and Innovation offers interesting positions ranging from internships, PhD positions to post-doc or senior positions.

RINKE Anna-Maria
Anna-Maria RINKE
+43 577 552 108 E-Mail senden
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