MitarbeiterInnen-Verzeichnis Show All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T V W Z Departments Aeronautics and Space Agency 13 Audit Unit 32 Corporate Communications 5 Corporate Finances 12 European and International Programmes 83 General Programmes 64 Human Resources and Organisation 15 Legal Department 13 Management board 5 Operations Management 38 Research and Development Allowance 8 Strategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development 29 Structural Programmes 59 Thematic Programmes 95 AHL Ursula Thematic Programmes AICHBERGER Gertrud Thematic Programmes ALBERT Gabriella Thematic Programmes BINDER Manuel Thematic Programmes BLAHOVEC Claudia Thematic Programmes BOCKSTEFL Johannes Thematic Programmes BODISCH Ursula Thematic Programmes BRANDENBURG Roland Thematic Programmes BRÜGGEMANN Christian Thematic Programmes BÜRGERMEISTER-MÄHR Maria Thematic Programmes CUTURA Anita Thematic Programmes DWORAK Sabine Thematic Programmes EDER Verena Thematic Programmes EHRNLEITNER Birgit Thematic Programmes EICHBERGER Vera Thematic Programmes ENDRES Benedikt Thematic Programmes FERTIN Andreas Thematic Programmes FILARETOVA Anna Thematic Programmes FÖRTSCH Michael Thematic Programmes FRITZER Johannes Thematic Programmes GAVRILOVIC Anastasija Thematic Programmes GEISSLER Andreas Thematic Programmes GEYER Gerda Thematic Programmes GLENCK Emmanuel Thematic Programmes GNETH-PÖLTL Alexander Thematic Programmes HAAS Margit Thematic Programmes HACKENBUCHNER-BURESCH Clara Thematic Programmes HAFIZOVIC Dino Thematic Programmes Hammel Elisa Thematic Programmes HARTMANN Olaf Thematic Programmes HEITZLHOFER Theresa Thematic Programmes Hermann Svenja Thematic Programmes HINTLER Klaus Thematic Programmes HIPFINGER Anita Thematic Programmes HOLLAUS Karin Thematic Programmes HOLZNER Gabriel Thematic Programmes HORAK Patrizia Thematic Programmes IDERZAEV Islam Thematic Programmes JANCO Jozef Thematic Programmes JOACHIMSTHALER Karin Thematic Programmes KANTOR Walter Thematic Programmes KERSCHBAUMMAYR Engelbert Thematic Programmes KERSCHL Peter Thematic Programmes KLAUSER Verena Thematic Programmes KLEPIC Vukasin Thematic Programmes KRAUSE Mira Thematic Programmes KRAUTGASSER-STEIDL Harald Thematic Programmes KREMNITZER Sabine Thematic Programmes KUHN Alexandra Thematic Programmes KUTTNER Paul Thematic Programmes Pagination Page 1 Next page ›› About the FFG The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is the national funding institution for industry-related research and development in Austria. FFG funding plays a key role in generating new knowledge, developing new products and services, and thereby becoming more competitive in the global market. Learn more Stay connected Every week, you will receive an update from the FFG in your inbox. Of course, you can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time. Your e-mail address