MitarbeiterInnen-Verzeichnis Show All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T V W Z Departments Aeronautics and Space Agency 2 Audit Unit 3 Corporate Communications 2 Corporate Finances 4 European and International Programmes 6 General Programmes 9 Human Resources and Organisation 3 Legal Department 1 Management board 2 Operations Management 8 Research and Development Allowance 1 Strategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development 4 Structural Programmes 7 Thematic Programmes 12 SACHSENHOFER Simon Structural Programmes SÄCKL Josef Strategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development SAEZ CORTES Alexis Operations Management SAIB Maamar General Programmes SALET Pascal Operations Management SALZER Peter Operations Management SAURER Andrea Audit Unit SAUTNER Heidelinde General Programmes SAVOV Konstantin General Programmes SCHECK Johanna European and International Programmes SCHEER Johannes Thematic Programmes SCHEUCHER Josef Structural Programmes SCHLICK Horst General Programmes SCHMATZ Jacqueline Strategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development SCHMIDT Doris General Programmes SCHMIED Stephanie Legal Department SCHÖFBECK Denise Structural Programmes SCHÖFNAGEL Heidrun Human Resources and Organisation SCHÖRGHOFER Peter General Programmes SCHREITL Matthias Aeronautics and Space Agency SCHREMMER Vera Operations Management SCHWALM Janine Natalie European and International Programmes SCHWARZ Andreas Operations Management SCHWENDENWEIN Gerald Operations Management SCHWENDTNER Karolina Thematic Programmes SCHWENZNER Marina Strategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development SEBALD Marisa European and International Programmes SEMMELROCK Christian Thematic Programmes SEN Sedanur Human Resources and Organisation SHADRINA Anna General Programmes SHALA Kreshnik Operations Management SIEGESLEITNER Eva Structural Programmes SLAVICEK Dagmar Thematic Programmes SMETACZEK Stefan Thematic Programmes SOKUR Vladyslav Thematic Programmes SORKO Julia Management board SPAHOVIC Edvin General Programmes SPORK Pamela Aeronautics and Space Agency STADLER Andrea Corporate Finances STAKNE Astrid Structural Programmes STAMBERA Philipp Corporate Communications STANGL Robert Corporate Finances STARK Erich Corporate Finances STARZER Otto Structural Programmes STEFAN Susanne Audit Unit STEFFL Thomas Thematic Programmes STEGMÜLLER Abigail European and International Programmes STEIGBERGER Elisabeth Structural Programmes STEINBACH Juliane Human Resources and Organisation STEINHAUSER Maria Audit Unit About the FFG The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is the national funding institution for industry-related research and development in Austria. FFG funding plays a key role in generating new knowledge, developing new products and services, and thereby becoming more competitive in the global market. Learn more Stay connected Every week, you will receive an update from the FFG in your inbox. Of course, you can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time. Your e-mail address