MitarbeiterInnen-Verzeichnis Show All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T V W Z Departments Aeronautics and Space Agency 1 Audit Unit 2 Corporate Communications 1 Corporate Finances 1 European and International Programmes 5 General Programmes 3 Operations Management 1 Research and Development Allowance 1 Strategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development 1 Structural Programmes 2 Thematic Programmes 6 MÄHRENBACH Helfried Thematic Programmes MANDL Christoph Corporate Communications MARCOLEONI Elisa Thematic Programmes MARINKOVIC Ines European and International Programmes MARKOVIC Igor Operations Management MATIC Rosa European and International Programmes MAYER Sabine Strategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development MAYER Stephan Aeronautics and Space Agency MAYERHOFER Irene European and International Programmes MAYR Vera General Programmes MEIER Linda Thematic Programmes MEISSL Christine Structural Programmes MEISSNER-DRAGOSITS Susanne European and International Programmes MERKL Adelheid Structural Programmes MEYER Christa Audit Unit MIKHNO Lyubov Corporate Finances MIKULIK Marion Audit Unit MITISKA Tamara-Katharina European and International Programmes MOHAMMAD Ruandoz General Programmes MORGENBESSER Maximilian Thematic Programmes MOSER Eva Thematic Programmes MÜHLBERGER Irmgard Research and Development Allowance MÜLLER Werner General Programmes MUSSNIG Verena Thematic Programmes About the FFG The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is the national funding institution for industry-related research and development in Austria. FFG funding plays a key role in generating new knowledge, developing new products and services, and thereby becoming more competitive in the global market. Learn more Stay connected Every week, you will receive an update from the FFG in your inbox. Of course, you can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time. Your e-mail address