MitarbeiterInnen-Verzeichnis Show All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T V W Z Departments Aeronautics and Space Agency 2 Audit Unit 2 European and International Programmes 5 General Programmes 6 Operations Management 1 Research and Development Allowance 1 Structural Programmes 4 Thematic Programmes 5 GALUSZKA Alexander Structural Programmes GANGLMAYER Kerstin European and International Programmes GANSS Sarah General Programmes GASPARONI Sara European and International Programmes GAVRILOVIC Anastasija Thematic Programmes GEISLER Andreas Aeronautics and Space Agency GEISSLER Andreas Thematic Programmes GEIST Thomas Aeronautics and Space Agency GESSL Christian General Programmes GEYER Gerda Thematic Programmes GHAFOURIAN Tannaz Structural Programmes GLECHNER Alexander Audit Unit GLEIXNER Tanja Audit Unit GLENCK Emmanuel Thematic Programmes GNETH-PÖLTL Alexander Thematic Programmes GÖD Florian General Programmes GOLLNER Christoph European and International Programmes GÖSCHL Marie-Luise General Programmes GOSSAR Sonja Structural Programmes Grandits Kristina Structural Programmes GRBAVAC Srdjan Operations Management GROSSBERGER Katrin General Programmes GRUBER Elisabeth General Programmes GRUBER Katharina Research and Development Allowance GRUBER Larissa European and International Programmes GUTZELNIG Solveig European and International Programmes About the FFG The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is the national funding institution for industry-related research and development in Austria. FFG funding plays a key role in generating new knowledge, developing new products and services, and thereby becoming more competitive in the global market. Learn more Stay connected Every week, you will receive an update from the FFG in your inbox. Of course, you can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time. Your e-mail address