Scope National 3 International 2 Topic Digitization 10 Production & Materials 9 Energy 8 Safety and Security 8 Life Sciences and Health 5 Mobility 5 Space and Aeronautics 5 Training and Young Talent 5 Bottom-up 3 Networking and Cooperation 3 Quantum: Research & Technology 2 Competitive Enterprises 2 Environment 2 Europe and International 2 Wood: Research & Knowledge Transfer 1 Climate-Neutral City 1 Show 6 more Initiativen offen für alle Themen Initiatives for Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) 121 Große Unternehmen (GU) 112 Universitäten 111 Fachhochschulen 110 Forschungseinrichtungen 109 Kompetenzzentren 92 Start-Up 84 (Gemeinnützige) Vereine 66 Gebietskörperschaften 51 Einzel-ForscherInnen 48 Multiplikatoren / Intermediäre 48 Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) 28 Research facilities 24 Large companies 23 Universities 23 Universities of applied sciences 23 Competence centres 22 Start Up 20 Multipliers / Intermediaries 16 (Non-profit) Associations 10 Single researchers 8 Authorities 5 Jugendliche 1 Show 13 more Status Offen 3 Geschlossen 2 Sort: Alphabetically (a-z)Date 5 results Selected filters Life Sciences and HealthXAuthoritiesX Sort: Alphabetically (a-z)Date Austrian Life Sciences Programme - Initiative Austria on the way: becoming a research, production and business location for life sciences Austria is an active life sciences location with internationally visible, excellent research and development and a growing corporate landscape. Compared to other innovative sectors, the life sciences sector is by far the most innovative, has the highest research rate and contributes… Initiative Open Learn more European Technology Platforms European Technology Platforms (ETPs) are initiatives which are particularly aimed at industry and offer interesting opportunities for international networking. By participating in an ETP, stakeholders can cooperate to help shape the future of European research and deliver on agreed… Initiative Closed Learn more Joint Programming Initiatives Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) coordinate national research areas and launch joint calls providing the opportunity to cooperate at a European level. The aim of the joint programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's research and… Initiative Closed Learn more Laura Bassi - The Programme Shaping an equitable future The “Laura Bassi: Shaping an equitable future” programme promotes the implementation of concrete innovation projects (products, processes, services) in a network with several consortium members. Initiative Open Learn more R&D Competences for Industry This initiative of the Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy (BMAW) supports measures in companies for the systematic development and qualification of their research and innovation staff. The programme also aims to promote cooperation between companies and tertiary education and… Initiative Open Learn more About the FFG The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is the national funding institution for industry-related research and development in Austria. FFG funding plays a key role in generating new knowledge, developing new products and services, and thereby becoming more competitive in the global market. Learn more Stay connected Every week, you will receive an update from the FFG in your inbox. Of course, you can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time. Your e-mail address
Austrian Life Sciences Programme - Initiative Austria on the way: becoming a research, production and business location for life sciences Austria is an active life sciences location with internationally visible, excellent research and development and a growing corporate landscape. Compared to other innovative sectors, the life sciences sector is by far the most innovative, has the highest research rate and contributes… Initiative Open Learn more
European Technology Platforms European Technology Platforms (ETPs) are initiatives which are particularly aimed at industry and offer interesting opportunities for international networking. By participating in an ETP, stakeholders can cooperate to help shape the future of European research and deliver on agreed… Initiative Closed Learn more
Joint Programming Initiatives Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) coordinate national research areas and launch joint calls providing the opportunity to cooperate at a European level. The aim of the joint programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's research and… Initiative Closed Learn more
Laura Bassi - The Programme Shaping an equitable future The “Laura Bassi: Shaping an equitable future” programme promotes the implementation of concrete innovation projects (products, processes, services) in a network with several consortium members. Initiative Open Learn more
R&D Competences for Industry This initiative of the Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy (BMAW) supports measures in companies for the systematic development and qualification of their research and innovation staff. The programme also aims to promote cooperation between companies and tertiary education and… Initiative Open Learn more