Funding rates in Horizon Europe

In most cases the principle of “one project - one rate” applies, i.e. the funding rate is the same for all beneficiaries and activities. The respective funding rate is announced in the call conditions.

A beneficiary receives a certain percentage of its total eligible costs from the EU Commission, depending on the specific funding rate (see below).

Please note: Your individual funding rate can is found in the so-called "Data Sheet" at the beginning of the Grant Agreement (GA) (see point 3 "Grant").

The eligible costs of a Horizon Europe project are made up of direct and indirect costs.

The direct costs such as personnel costs, travel costs or costs of other goods, works and services, are directly linked to the project implementation. They are funded based on actual costs or at various fixed unit costs.

Indirect costs ("overheads"), however, such as office rent or operating costs, are not directly linked to the project but are nonetheless necessary for its implementation. These are funded at a flat rate of 25 percent of the direct eligible costs (minus certain costs, such as e.g. costs of subcontracting).

The funding rate for Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) and for Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) is 100 percent of the eligible costs for all types of organisation.

The funding rate for Innovation Actions (IA) depends on the legal status of the organisation. The rate is 70 percent for profit-making legal entities and 100 percent for non-profit legal entities. “Non-profit” applies to legal entities, which by their legal form are non-profit-making or which have a legal or statutory obligation not to distribute profits (see guide of the EU Commission "Rules for Legal Entity Validation, LEAR Appointment and Financial Capacity Assessment", pages 8-9).

Please note: The funding rate of beneficiaries and "affiliated entities" is assessed separately (i.e. the funding rate of the beneficiaries does not condition the funding rate of eventual "affiliated entities" in the project).

Funding rates at a glance

Project type Direct costs (€) Indirect costs (€) Total costs (€) Funding rate Grant amount (€)
Research and Innovation Actions (RIA);

Coordination and Support Actions (CSA)
100.- 25.- 125.- 100 % 125.-

Innovation Actions (IA)

– regular rate

100.- 25.- 125.- 70 % 87.50

Innovation Actions (IA)

– rate for non-profit organisations

100.- 25.- 125.- 100 % 125.-

Please note: If certain conditions change during the project lifetime, leading to a different funding rate, it will be adapted.

Detailed information


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MITISKA Tamara-Katharina
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