
Good news for six research institutions in Austria: The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the names of 321 Consolidator Grant award winners in the 2022 call.


Spin-off Fellowships: Successful start to the extended FFG programme 2022-2026 – almost 5 million euros for eleven projects – more projects submitted and funded than ever before


Research and innovation part of the solution in times of multiple crises


FFG to implement programme worth 50 million euros – Austrian companies conducting research for Austrian healthcare


2021 year in review


In order to drive forward the expansion of broadband in rural regions, the federal government is making available 1.4 billion euros until 2026


Climate protection as an important content topic


On the initiative of the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research, Austria is investing 107 million euros into expanding quantum research and technologies using funds from the Next Generation EU recovery and resilience plan.


Additional funding of EUR 1.4 billion - Austria's largest broadband funding budget to date.


40 percent more applications in the pandemic year; EUR 855 million of funding approved


Austrian government members and the responsible EU Commissioner discussed the EU's new research and innovation programme, Horizon Europe.


The Ministries of Climate Protection and the Economy are investing EUR 10 million in top Austrian research – the projects have a total volume of over EUR 37 million.


FFG funding makes an important contribution to the economic dynamics of rural communities


Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG on the "partial general approach" reached at the Competitiveness Council – Austria has made a major contribution with its committed work during the Austrian EU-Presidency


In partnership with the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH (aws), the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW) and the European Commission are organising the "Innovative Enterprise Vienna 2018" conference on the opportunities of EU funding programmes for highly innovative European enterprises.