Scope National 35 International 21 Topic Energy 78 Digitization 68 Mobility 54 Safety and Security 52 Life Sciences and Health 49 Production & Materials 48 Digitalisierung & Breitband 44 Climate-Neutral City 40 Environment 38 Space and Aeronautics 37 Training and Young Talent 34 Europe and International 28 Competitive Enterprises 27 Bottom-up 26 Quantum: Research & Technology 26 Production and Materials 24 Wood: Research & Knowledge Transfer 21 Networking and Cooperation 16 Research Infrastructure 1 Social and Culture 1 Show 10 more Initiativen offen für alle Themen Initiatives for Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) 94 Universitäten 89 Forschungseinrichtungen 87 Fachhochschulen 86 Große Unternehmen (GU) 86 Kompetenzzentren 74 Start-Up 70 (Gemeinnützige) Vereine 52 Einzel-ForscherInnen 42 Multiplikatoren / Intermediäre 41 Gebietskörperschaften 34 Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) 28 Research facilities 24 Universities 24 Large companies 23 Universities of applied sciences 23 Competence centres 22 Start Up 20 Multipliers / Intermediaries 15 (Non-profit) Associations 9 Single researchers 8 Authorities 5 Jugendliche 1 Show 13 more Status Offen 39 Geschlossen 10 Sort: Alphabetically (a-z)Date 54 results Selected filters MobilityXStart UpXGebietskörperschaftenX Sort: Alphabetically (a-z)Date Austrian Life Sciences Programme - Die Initiative Förderung für Life Sciences-Branche in Österreich und nationale wie internationale Vernetzung ausbauen und stärken Österreich ist ein aktiver Life-Sciences-Standort mit international sichtbarer, exzellenter Forschung und Entwicklung und einer wachsenden Unternehmenslandschaft. Der Life-Sciences-Sektor ist im Vergleich zu anderen innovativen Sektoren der mit Abstand innovationsfreudigste, weist eine… Initiative Open Learn more Beyond Europe Programme for Internationalisation of RTI Projects The "Beyond Europe" Programme supports Austrian companies, research and university institutes and other organisations in creating and extending collaborations. Initiative Closed Learn more BRIDGE – Initiative Knowledge transfer between science and economy BRIDGE is funding cooperation between scientific institutes and companies. The research projects should be designed to be close to basic research - however, there should already be a recognizable exploitation perspective. The participating companies must be effectively involved in the… Initiative Open Learn more Clean Energy Transition Partnership The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) is a transnational initiative on joint research, technological development and Innovation (RTDI) programming to boost and accelerate the energy transition, building upon regional and national RTDI funding programmes. It brings… Initiative Open Learn more Digital Innovation Hubs Ein starkes Netzwerk aus nationalen und europäischen Digital Innovation Hubs, das den Austausch von technologischer und wirtschaftlicher Expertise fördert und so digitale Innovationen ermöglicht. Initiative Open Learn more EDF: Der Europäische Verteidigungsfonds Stärkung der innovativen, industriellen und wissenschaftlichen Basis der europäischen Verteidigungsindustrie Der Europäische Verteidigungsfonds (European Defence Fund, EDF) stärkt die innovative, industrielle und wissenschaftliche Basis der europäischen Verteidigungsindustrie und leistet damit einen Beitrag zur strategischen Autonomie der EU. Gefördert werden Kooperationsprojekte zur Erforschung… Initiative Open Learn more EDF: The European Defence Fund The European Defence Fund incentivises and supports collaborative, cross-border research and development in the area of defence. The Fund will increase the EU’s technological edge and develop the capabilities that are key for the strategic autonomy and resilience of the Union and its… Initiative Open Learn more ERA-NET Networking the European Research Area Das ERA-NET-Schema unterstützt die Koordinierung von nationalen und regionalen Förderprogrammen in Europa. Nationale oder regionale Behörden wählen Programme zur Forschungsförderung aus, die sie mit anderen Ländern koordinieren oder für… Initiative Open Learn more Eureka Eureka is a European-international network for application-oriented research and development (R&D) in Europe and offers companies and research institutions a framework for cross-border collaborative projects. Currently, 40 countries and the European Union are Eureka members. South Korea,… Initiative Open Learn more European Technology Platforms European Technology Platforms (ETPs) are initiatives which are particularly aimed at industry and offer interesting opportunities for international networking. By participating in an ETP, stakeholders can cooperate to help shape the future of European research and deliver on agreed… Initiative Open Learn more Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Next page Next » Last page Last » About the FFG The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is the national funding institution for industry-related research and development in Austria. FFG funding plays a key role in generating new knowledge, developing new products and services, and thereby becoming more competitive in the global market. Learn more Stay connected Every week, you will receive an update from the FFG in your inbox. Of course, you can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time. Your e-mail address
Austrian Life Sciences Programme - Die Initiative Förderung für Life Sciences-Branche in Österreich und nationale wie internationale Vernetzung ausbauen und stärken Österreich ist ein aktiver Life-Sciences-Standort mit international sichtbarer, exzellenter Forschung und Entwicklung und einer wachsenden Unternehmenslandschaft. Der Life-Sciences-Sektor ist im Vergleich zu anderen innovativen Sektoren der mit Abstand innovationsfreudigste, weist eine… Initiative Open Learn more
Beyond Europe Programme for Internationalisation of RTI Projects The "Beyond Europe" Programme supports Austrian companies, research and university institutes and other organisations in creating and extending collaborations. Initiative Closed Learn more
BRIDGE – Initiative Knowledge transfer between science and economy BRIDGE is funding cooperation between scientific institutes and companies. The research projects should be designed to be close to basic research - however, there should already be a recognizable exploitation perspective. The participating companies must be effectively involved in the… Initiative Open Learn more
Clean Energy Transition Partnership The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) is a transnational initiative on joint research, technological development and Innovation (RTDI) programming to boost and accelerate the energy transition, building upon regional and national RTDI funding programmes. It brings… Initiative Open Learn more
Digital Innovation Hubs Ein starkes Netzwerk aus nationalen und europäischen Digital Innovation Hubs, das den Austausch von technologischer und wirtschaftlicher Expertise fördert und so digitale Innovationen ermöglicht. Initiative Open Learn more
EDF: Der Europäische Verteidigungsfonds Stärkung der innovativen, industriellen und wissenschaftlichen Basis der europäischen Verteidigungsindustrie Der Europäische Verteidigungsfonds (European Defence Fund, EDF) stärkt die innovative, industrielle und wissenschaftliche Basis der europäischen Verteidigungsindustrie und leistet damit einen Beitrag zur strategischen Autonomie der EU. Gefördert werden Kooperationsprojekte zur Erforschung… Initiative Open Learn more
EDF: The European Defence Fund The European Defence Fund incentivises and supports collaborative, cross-border research and development in the area of defence. The Fund will increase the EU’s technological edge and develop the capabilities that are key for the strategic autonomy and resilience of the Union and its… Initiative Open Learn more
ERA-NET Networking the European Research Area Das ERA-NET-Schema unterstützt die Koordinierung von nationalen und regionalen Förderprogrammen in Europa. Nationale oder regionale Behörden wählen Programme zur Forschungsförderung aus, die sie mit anderen Ländern koordinieren oder für… Initiative Open Learn more
Eureka Eureka is a European-international network for application-oriented research and development (R&D) in Europe and offers companies and research institutions a framework for cross-border collaborative projects. Currently, 40 countries and the European Union are Eureka members. South Korea,… Initiative Open Learn more
European Technology Platforms European Technology Platforms (ETPs) are initiatives which are particularly aimed at industry and offer interesting opportunities for international networking. By participating in an ETP, stakeholders can cooperate to help shape the future of European research and deliver on agreed… Initiative Open Learn more